The Victorian

by Fran J Scott
The Victorian
Fran J Scott
Photograph - Photograph
This house was sitting dormant in its decay, and then someone came along and gave it life again. It was supposed to be a B&B where folks could bring thier horses, sadly it didn't work out and now...well its fate is unknown.
January 13th, 2011
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Comments (18)

Doug Fredericks
Perfect processing and how brilliantly you elected to crop/frame this most interesting subject. Instant fav & vote!

Bob Christopher
Hi Fran...I like this image a lot. The rendering of the image is very appealing and mysterious. Nicely done...Bob

Rebecca Sherman
You have an incredible talent. I love your work. The beautiful way you create a mood is inspiring.

Roseann Caputo
Hi Fran. Where have I been!? I missed this one too? I love what you did with this. Again, the aged look adds, for me, a mysterious feel. A story is there. I hope the house is kept up. Looks lovely. Roseann

Fran J Scott
Hi Madeline, I hope someone saves it soon. Sadly it's just sitting in a big pile of weeds at the moment. The house itself is gorgeous and was completely renovated. Sad to see the property so neglected. :-(

Madeline Ellis
There is painterly feel to this old victorian house. The birds can be a sign of peace, or impending...... I guess its' fate is unknown.

Catherine Holman
I love old houses and you've done a beautiul job of capturing the allure and charm of this one!

Ann Horn
What a striking architectural image, Fran! Love the light on the Victorian rooftops, and the birds in the air are perfect.

Fran J Scott
Oh thank you so so much Lois! I'm really glad you like it! I really love these old places. This one has a name, it's called Slades Inn. I think all grand houses should have names you know....look out my romantic side is peeking! ;-)

Lois Bryan
OooooOoooooo Fran!!! You've been working magic again, I see ... what a beautiful place this must have been ... and your photographic capture and expert trimming just make my heart soar!!!!! Glorious!!!!! Let's send some positive vibes out into the universe for it ... hopefully your B&B will not be a loss!!!!!!! This really is a stunning image, sweetie!!!!!!!! Faved and recommended and whatever else I can think of!!!!!