In Memoriam
by Fran J Scott
In Memoriam
Fran J Scott
Digital Art - Digital Art
To my best earth bound friend and companion, my heart is eternally yours.
~And on the other side God held me, and breathed spectral life into my nostrils.
And regarded me with shining eyes and immeasurable joy.
And as I was whole again, he led me to a stall. Earthly, snug and reminiscent of home
but with the cosmic wind in my mane and the gates to the universe at my back.
~Still, I was ever sad at our parting.
�Take heart� God said, and motioned to the lantern on the wall.
This light is generated by the love of those you left behind.
Tis the same illumination that will guide them to you when they come home to me.
I am always within easy distance of that light.
~I am but a breath away from you always...Love Eternally, Remme
January 22nd, 2017
Comments (22)
Beth Hopsecger
I lost my Ellie years ago, yet think of her every day. This poem brought tears to my touched my soul. Will order for friends of mine who have horses they also carry in their hearts. Well done.
Fran J Scott replied:
Thank you Ellie, I understand your pain and that terrible loss. I awoke from a dream of my Remme and wrote that for him. It tore at my heart yet comforted me at the same time. Thank you for letting me know your thoughts and for your support. Be well! xx
Joy Bradley
Fran you sincerely hit my heart with this one! Beautiful Remme, beautiful tribute, Tears of Love and "Joy"......L/F